Thursday 3 December 2015

Recount - Grandpa Coming over.

Waking up with excitement I knew today was the day! My Grandpa is coming from Australia. He is only staying here for about a week or two. Suddenly goosebumps started to appear slowly down my arms..
I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready as my family and I were making our way over to my aunt’s house.
Once we arrived there I quickly got out of the car to spread the word to my cousin’s. After a while I heard he is arriving tonight.
I was then filled with disappointment knowing it’s going to be hours and hours until he comes. It was finally time, so my aunty and uncle went to the Auckland Airport to collect him..

Watching T.V. to keep me awake I smelled something..... it was my Grandpa’s favorite all time gel. Then I knew he was here. I quickly ran out like the wind and once I was out I saw him still coming out so there was my chance. I then wrapped my arms around him. It’s been about 1-2 years since I have seen him. I saw he had a big bag in his left hand. I thought “Yes we got presents”. After he was seated down he open his bags and I noticed he has a gift. It wasn’t for me,my sisters or my cousins. But for my Dad. My dad got brand new shoes (Sneakers the colour Black and white) and also a LG touch screen mobile phone.... (“With a front camera!”) My dad was so lucky.

Having my Grandpa back here in New Zealand with his family was the best thing. I made the best of my ability to spend every time with him before he went back.  

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