Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What is poetry?

For me Poetry is a world when things you say or write can really touch someone in a way that makes them understand what you are trying to say or share.

It’s sort of like a sharing world, yeah you can put it that way, (A Sharing World). When you can share your thoughts and dreams and make them into a journey for others to join or a story to inspire

Poems can be about feelings or about events or more. For me when I think about the main subject that people usually write about is mostly about love. 
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Here is a poem I found and think is a really cool one to read.

Comment below to tell me what you think the main subject people write their poems about. And also if you are a poet, share with me some of your poems I would really like to read it.
If you want to find out what the definition to the word Poetry is just click on the word Poetry highlighted in blue. Have fun!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Telling Time

This is a presentation about telling the time. And not always depending on the digital clock. Did you know that telling the time is kind of related with math. Telling the time is very important in life, school, courier and etc. Please leave your feedback on what you think about my presentation. Thank you!

Monday, 7 September 2015

How to prevent yourself from becoming sick?

Winter is the time of year that many people become sick. This is for various reasons. The main factor is the temperature. People catch the flu mainly in this season because it is cold. This explanation is going to provide you with information about how to prevent yourself from these winter viruses.

The flu shot is another to help yourself from getting sick. The flu shot is an annual vaccination using a vaccine that is specific for a given year against the highly variable influenza virus.   

Another way is your health. Your health should come first priority. Having a healthy body and mind helps yourself to keep motivated and also sick free.

Resting your body is very important. You must have the right amount of rest so your body can be energised for the next day or thing you may be doing.

These are some ways that can help prevent yourself from becoming sick.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Ratio Practice (-Math)

This is a presentation explaining to you about ratios. I hope you enjoy and please leave your feedback to let me know what you think. Thank You!